Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I enlisted the help of Gerald Donofrio who is an amazing foam sculptor. We started by going to Foam Sales in Burbank to pick up a bunch of 2 pound density sculpting foam. The consistency of this foam is like a cross between floral foam and balsa wood. We used hand saws, wires, even a horse brush to work the foam into the rough shapes. Cutting the blocks and lining up the inner frame takes quite a bit of measuring and gouging in controlled spaces. Also making sure the metal frame with the holes for the arms and legs plug into lined up with the model. Once the blocks were cut and channeled it was time to glue them together. The best thing to do this job is Windlock Foam 2 Foam adhesivethis stuff works great dries quickly and you are still able to sculpt it.
Gerry was triumphantly standing on the blocks after we glued them. The Foam 2 Foam has minimal expansion but you still have to put some weight on to big pieces like that.
After some more measuring, cutting gluing we had our basic blocked out shape to start. You might notice all those little sticks, they are bamboo skewers told the pieces together. Great little tools a bag of 100 is about a dollar. We were going to project an image of my sketch onto the piece but I felt confident I could just eye-ball it. The one thing I wanted to capture with this big piece was the presents of the human hand. In all of my sculpts I like the touch of imperfection, for me if the sculpt gets too refined it looses some of that energy of the original concept or sketch.
Gerry had to move on to another sculpting gig. He imparted much of his skills with me, and roughed out the basic body dome shape for me. With that in place it was time to start sketching in where all of the plates, and appendages were going to live. Time to grab a sharpie and start drawing.

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